Organic farming is defined as the system of production that is capable of avoiding or majorly block the use of pesticide, synthetically compounded fertilizers, livestock feed additives and growth regulators. To the paramount extent, flexible organic farming system relies upon crop residues, green manure, pest weeds, crop rotations, off- farm organic wastes, legumes, aspects of biological pest control insects, animal manures, and etc. The whole state of Kerala is now involved in a movement for Organic farming. Healthy food, free of contaminants, is a basic human right and women are particularly concerned about the quality of food being served to the family. Organic production of common food especially that of horticultural produces has been identified as a possible means replicable at the community level, because of the demand and consumption patterns prevalent here. On 2017 AWC started training cum Model Farm at Mannanam in Kottayam district on three acres of leased plot. We have developed the farm with planting variety crops, medicinal herbs, fruit items etc. and installed drip irrigation system for better result. AWC promoted organic farm unit at family level to reveal the importance of organic farming.